The state of Michigan defines rape as forcing or coercing an individual to engage in any non-consensual sexual act or penetration. While this can include a large variety of situations, over 80% of rapes are between individuals who are acquaintances, and more than 50% happen on dates. These situations can be highly complex and subjective, requiring the honed knowledge of the associates at Gentry and Nalley.
Prostitution is the act of engaging in sexual activity for pay. Due to the nature of choice in both parties, Michigan law does not define prostitution. In many states, it has come to be known as a “victimless crime,” but can still have dire effects on the accused. Gentry Nalley can be trusted to untangle the complicated web of accusation, intentions and actions that are involved with accusations of soliciting and providing prostitution.
Internet Sex Crimes
Internet sex crimes refers to any form of criminal activity of a sexual nature that involves the internet. This refers to both the production and consumption of child pornography, online communication with minors, including plans to meet up, and conspiracy crimes. As use of the Internet has become accessible to nearly any human through many means, cases such as these have risen at an alarming rate. Gentry Nalley’s expertise is crucial when understanding how to navigate this accusation.
Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse is when a person has had sexual contact with a child. Examples of child sexual abuse might include sexual touching, penetration, manipulating the child to do something sexual or taking graphic photos of children. Clients facing this potential criminal charge need skilled experts who are adept with making certain your case is being handled with precision and sensitivity. Gentry Nalley’s team is prepared to do just that.
Indecent Exposure
Michigan defines this as any individual who exposes his or her person to another individual’s person and does so knowingly, in a way that is open or indecent. This is a misdemeanor offense that can have dire effects on the reputation of the accused. Gentry Nalley offers unmatched competence to those facing such charges.
Assault with Intent to Commit a Felony
Gentry Nalley can offer first-rate assistance to those navigating this charge. Under the Michigan assault law, an “assault” is nothing more than an unsuccessful attempt to touch someone in a harmful or offensive way, or an action which makes a person believe you are going to touch them in such way.
Juvenile Sex Crimes
Gentry Nalley firmly believes all humans are deserving of thorough legal support when they are at their most vulnerable. This is includes minors on both sides of an accusation. Michigan defines a Juvenile Sex Crime as any infraction in this category committed by persons under the age of 17. As this charge can negatively affect a youth for the rest of their life, we seek to hold these cases with the utmost sensitivity. At Gentry Nalley our team is prepared to advocate for youth experiencing this accusation while executing the exhaustive legal measures necessary to tell the truth of the case.
Human Trafficking
Human trafficking occurs when the accused person (or “trafficker”) uses force, fraud or coercion to control another person for the purpose of engaging in sex, labor or services against his or her will. When facing a grave charge like this, it is best to rely on the unsurpassed ability of Gentry Nalley to find the truth. Steadied by years of experience and optimal results, our team is committed to presenting every dimension of the situation for our clients, even in the most complex corners of our justice system.